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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Do You Make This Mistake in Your Own Driving - And Do People Think You're an Amateur?

"Professional drivers do everything super fast inside a car." This is probably the number one myth that keeps most people from driving like a pro. Most people think that to be a great driver, you have to shift fast, turn fast, and react fast.

Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Any driver who knows what he's talking about will tell you that it's the guy who moves the slowest inside a car, who is the better driver.

A driver who moves slowly inside a car is a driver who is thinking ahead. He is looking well ahead and planning what he is going to do, well before he does it. Because of this, he is smooth and he is confident. He's pro-actionary, not re-actionary to whatever comes up.

The only thing that you have to have a little "fast" is reactions. Sometimes if you are driving right at the edge, you will have to catch a slide before it gets too far. But even this fast reaction has to be done slowly. Or maybe a better word is it has to be done smoothly. That fast reaction has to have a little finesse to it, or you risk having the reaction be too much, and you'll spin out anyway.

One of the things you need to do if you are driving anywhere near that "edge zone" is to approach that limit of traction carefully. A good driver can catch just about any slide as long as it's just over the edge - not wayyyyy over it. Remember that. If it's way over the limit, nobody is going to be able to catch it in time, and they will spin off any pavement they're on...

There are a ton of myths and outdated ideas like this one that keep us driving slow and not as confident as we could. Keep listening as I will unfold many more....

On with the fun...

Be fast, be safe, be precise.

Mark Aisbett, Your Extreme Driving Coach reveals more about his stunt performances, driving on film, television and car commercials at his website. There you can delve into the secrets of stuntdriving, take his FREE Extreme Drivers Test to find out how good a driver you really are, and join the new Driving Elite at:

Mark Aisbett - EzineArticles Expert Author

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